20 October 2008

Royal Visitors

I wish I had known today was going to be such a special day. I would have gotten out the fine china, ironed linen napkins, and polished the silver (if I had any of those things!), but I didn't have advanced information. Maybe Asher didn't know either, but I am proud of his hospitality as he gathered enough chairs for the most distinguished of guests.

Our guests arrived, and each took a seat. The queen in her seat, the bishop in another, the knight in yet another. If only I had known about this important day in advance, I would have found more chairs so all of the pawns and less important guests didn't have to gather on Asher's booster seat.

You might wonder what the grand occasion was. Why did such royalty decide to visit our house today?

It appears that there was a mighty big checkers game that took place in our very own living room and all the chess pieces wanted to be here to watch!

All the chess pieces gathered around to watch the big game. Unfortunately, I had planned to get new tires on the Jeep today, so we weren't able to stay and root on the best team. This must be a big match-off because our royal guests are still here and the checker game is still in progress.


Anonymous said...

Very Cute!! By the way - the hardwood floors turned out beautiful!! Worth the wait, huh??

Vicky S. said...

I can't believe Asher managed to arrange that all by himself! Looks like he's got some friends in high places :)

Anonymous said...

Yea for Asher. I think it is so appropriate for the first major event on the new floor included royalty. Now I am realizing that royalty will probably be attending our Thanksgiving at the cabin this year.

Becky Ifft said...

oh my! i'm glad i finally got a chess set for Asher visits.