29 April 2009


This is the age of "why?". Nonstop, all day long, I get questions asking me to explain everything in life. It has gotten so rampant that Asher will even mock himself when I don't answer right away by saying, "Why, why, why, Asher always asks why."

Here's a typical conversation:
Asher: Why is my baby crying?
Me: Because she is trying to tell us something. Maybe she's hungry.
Asher: Does she eat food?
Me: No, she can only drink milk now.
Asher: Why can she only drink milk?
Me: Because her stomach is not able to digest food.
Asher: What is digest?
Me: Making food into small pieces.
Asher: Why small pieces?

And this might be the point where I stop answering because truthfully, I don't know why!!

Here are my "why" questions.
Why does Asher never open his eyes for pictures?

Why won't Asher hold Amelie's hand nicely?

Why is she so cute?! :)

As I'm getting ready to publish this blog, we're having this conversation...

Asher: Are you the mommy?

Me: Yes, I am the mommy.

Asher: Why are you the mommy?

Me: Because I said.

Asher: Why, why why?


Holly said...

Why does Asher ask so many questions? :)

Marla and Rob said...

Oh my!! Can you imagine that in stereo?!? Me neither. I better get prepared. She is sooooo cute!!

buckeye207 said...

Suuuuuch cute shots of both kids!

Why are Asher and Amelie so adorable?

~ Laura

Vicky S. said...

Wow...All day long Ethan sings and talks and asks me for things and tries to get Kate to laugh with all his vocal energy. What am I going to do when he starts asking me "why" questions?! Perhaps that time is just around the corner...yikes!