06 August 2010

Really Alive

"But the person in right standing before God through loyal and steady believing is fully alive, really alive!"
Habakkuk 2:4
I am so drawn to this idea of being fully alive! Really alive!
My world is so practical and task focused that I get frustrated with finding those opportunities to be fully alive. Finding them, and then pushing beyond my tiredness to grab and act on them.
Pushing past inhibitions and practicalities is hard enough on a normal day, but on the days when I'm tired of figuring out what we can have for a snack and sibling scwabbles are constant, I have no energy for doing what it would take to live up to my mind's image of being free and alive.
As a mom of preschoolers I don't know what it looks like to live that fully alive life day to day.
But, by looking at these words in Habakkuk, it looks like being fully alive starts with right standing before God.
So is it freedom from my worry and fears that would allow me to stay in right standing?
Is it constant confession?
According to the one who gives life, Full life comes from having right standing before God.
How simple that seems.
Right standing comes when I put faith in Jesus and accept His gift of grace. I've done that. So in theory, according to Habakkuk, I already have full life! real life!
And this is where the choice for abundant life comes - the choice to trust the path of grace and rest in love I've been shown rather than trying to forge my own new and wandering way.

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