19 March 2012


And she is Three.

I love her words, endless words. Words describing friends and imaginary happenings. Talk about Bunny Foofoo who is coming soon for a sleepover. Admiring words of Asher and the great feats he can accomplish. Adoring words of our Baby Asa or sometimes the one we call Buddy Boo.

The ensembles she chooses for the day make me smile. Scarves in 70 degree weather. Sunglasses on the darkest dreariest winter day, always bracelets, necklaces and a "headfan," "owl feathers," or a "kitty tail" in her hair. Today for her birthday, she chose two sets of sunglasses on her head.

A day can bring a moment of complete joy over hot chocolate and then a second later a meltdown over applesauce instead of yogurt for lunch.

She loves to be close, to be touching, and just to hang out with mommy. Mommy-daughter fun has been more fun than I thought and I'm so thankful for my sweet three year old AMELIE!

03 March 2012


Now he is six.

Asher the Rockstar who became Asher the Knight who became Asher the Sheriff who became Asher the Kindergartner who loves all things Lego especially Ninjago.

When I first looked into his brilliant blue eyes, there was no way I could have anticipated the battles we would have. Battles that span from eating food to wearing jeans and challenging him to simply show a little emotion.

But there was also no way I could have anticipated the thoughtful sweetness, cut and dry rule following, or creative artistic expressions.

His dealings with the things life throws his way challenge me to find a good response. There have been times I've never wanted to hurt someone more than when they have hurt my boy. But more often, I've never wanted more to set a good example of trusting God and treating people kindly.

He brings out my worst moments of impatience and angry outbursts, but I hope I've also practiced forgiveness and selfless love more than before.

Never dull and always an adventure I'm so thankful for Asher, my six year old boy.