18 January 2008

Fatal Flaw

Many of the characters in my favorite stories have a "fatal flaw." Curious George always gets into trouble because he is curious, Edmund sets a whole turn of bad events in place because he gives in to his temptation for Turkish Delight, Shakespeare's plays are full of people who just can't get this one thing right. Even when you look at the Bible, the pages describe men and women who are imperfect especially in a particular area.

I've been thinking about what my fatal flaw is. It's kind of hard to narrow it down actually! Would it be worry that persistently haunts me? Or maybe fear of rejection that prevents me from taking risks in relationships? Whatever one I think of, I am challenged to remember that God is way bigger than that flaw! He wants to help me overcome it to become more like Him.

In order to move past this part of my character though, it will take being ready to let go of that pet sin that can be oh so comforting.

Hmmm...something to think about.

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