17 July 2008

Grandma is Home!

It's been a year since we last saw my mom. She arrived home from Ethiopia yesterday and we are so happy to have her back home. The weirdest thing is that when she showed up at my backdoor, it didn't even seem surprising, it just seemed normal, like the way things should be.

Asher and Grandma reconnected fast even though he was only just under 18 months when she left last summer. She quickly turned him into an Ethiopian boy wearing traditional Ethiopian clothes and she received instant affection for adding a new family to Asher's giraffe herd.

We are waiting to see if these will also be the syrup eating variety of giraffes!


Holly said...

Angie, hope you and your mom have a wonderful visit!

Marla and Rob said...

We love reading/watching of Asher's antics (syrup eating giraffes' etc...). He cracks both of us up frequently. Have a great time with your mom!!

Anonymous said...

I love Asher's new outfit!! Have a great visit!! Grams