19 February 2009

Loving our weirdness

In grade school, I proudly wore a "I love being weird" pin on my frosted jean jacket. My friends and I daily told each other we were weird and took it as a huge compliment. I don't know how I feel about being weird now, and Walter has asked me not to call Asher weird. So, I'll change my choice of words to unordinary.

I haven't posted pictures for a while and as I scrolled through our folder trying to decide which one to choose, I became overwhelmed with how unordinary they are! First, I don't have too many choices to post because in most of them, Asher does not have pants on. We are still working on the potty training thing and I've gotten too lazy and my belly is too big to put underpants and long pants back on him every five minutes.

But I did find a fun one of Walter and Asher when they played in the snow a few weeks ago.

I think a couple of clarifications are needed.

1. Asher is not singing, just smiling in an "unordinary" way.

2. Walter is not incapable of building a snowman that actually looks like a snowman. This is not a snowman actually. It is a chess piece, built by request. A king to be exact. Can't you tell?

I know every family has their own unordinary ways. Aren't these what make us love each other all the more?


Holly said...

Angie, I find you anything but ordinary! You are really rather remarkable, in fact! :)

Anonymous said...

I'd say asking for a chess piece "snowman" is extraordinary!

Anonymous said...

As Walter's little sis, I can say he was a bit of an "unordinary-o". :0)

I love the chess piece snowman!!!

~ Laura