02 March 2011


My boy is five today!

One full hand of fingers. No longer a baby, not a toddler, and now not even a preschooler. He's five. Five year olds do so many things.
go to Kindergarten,
learn how to read,
lose teeth,
figure out how to ride a bike,
learn how to win and lose.
He doesn't need to be swaddled, burped, fed, or pushed in a stroller.
But he does still
need hugs,
cry in frustration,
hear noises in the dark,
want someone to lay with him while he falls asleep.

He's still my boy.
The one I waited for
Who looks exactly like his daddy
With the wild imagination
He's my Asher, the boy I love.

1 comment:

Marla and Rob said...

Happy Birthday to Asher. Another beautiful post, Angie!!