29 December 2009

Still Me

Have you ever been forced to be someone you're not?

I've dressed in a skirt and blouse when I'd rather be wearing jeans.

I've pretended to be fine with a situation that hours earlier I stood fuming in my kitchen over.

And each time I've covered raw hurt and sadness with smiles and cheer the outside properness creates an inner stretch of intensity that makes me want to shoot across the room.
Sometimes I just want to be me even when me isn't pretty.

My sweet Amelie received beautiful princess jewels for Christmas this year. Aunt Becky knew all little girls need a tiara, sparkly necklaces, earrings and rings, so she invested in the most beautiful set available at Toys R Us. After we opened that present, and decorated our little baby with her sparklies, Asher immediately fell in love with his beautiful princess sister.
Plain Amelie left and royal Princess Amelie has moved in. Whenever she wakes from a nap or sets her jewels aside for a moment, Asher immediately brings Princess Amelie the tiara, the necklace, the clip-on earrings, and the ring (although she eats the ring so Mommy gets to wear her ring). And our little baby sparkles as she crawls around the house because with her princess things on, Asher claims she is more beautiful.

While wearing her weight of jewels and looking ready to rule the world, Amelie teaches me that its still ok to be who she is. Sure she's dressed up, but she still screeches, her diapers still stink, and she still scavenges whatever crumb, button, or other dangerously small item lies in her path.

Even in her forced situation of royalty, she is still Amelie.

Whatever situation I find myself in I want to still be Angie.

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