12 January 2010

Positive Training

Yesterday at a meeting for my mom's group, we were asked to answer 4 questions:

1. What is not going well for us in the group?
2. Where are we struggling in our relationship with God?
3. How have we grown through the group?
4. What victories have we had in our relationship with God?

These questions were grouped by the first two and the second two. As we got up to write our answers on the blank sheets attached to the wall, I heard someone comment, and I immediately agreed that the first two questions were a lot easier than the second.

My frustration with the questions and myself magnified as I later realized the first questions were the negative ones and the second two were the positive ones.

Without consciously realizing it, we were proving its much easier to pull out the negative and converse about those issues rather than focus on the positive ways good is being infused in our lives.

I am much quicker to pick up the phone to talk about or get a blog post out about the negative things I'm dealing with rather than telling the world about the good in our home.

And there is much good here.

The most selfless giving man is my husband and amazing daddy to my kids.
Asher can easily entertain himself these days and his imagination is so exciting.
Amelie smiles and giggles at my smallest attempts to engage her.
I get to spend my days as I choose, taking care of the little gifts God has given us.

I suppose recognizing the good is an exercise I need to train myself to do.

Will you join me?

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