I find myself content with where I'm at too. My friends are great. We are being challenged at our new church and meeting great people. Our family is blessed and happy. I've been crawling around in my world of safety enjoying the cool life God has given me and not really wanting to take a step out into new things because of the dreaded fear of the unknown.
But there is so much more to discover and the first step is to move past crawling to walking.
Walter and I coaxed Amelie again and again to walk in between our open arms. She wanted to cross the gap and make it to the other person, but in her excitement she quickly dropped on her bottom and began her familiar crawl. We picked her up and pointed her in the right direction again only to watch her revert to crawling.
And then her focus switched. Her mind got bored of checking out mommy and daddy and her hands, mouth, and eyes started to explore the toy in her hands. While she focused on the object she forgot the unknown of taking a step. As she forgot herself and what she didn't know how to do, her feet started moving and our little girl walked!
And I wonder what would happen if I allowed myself to forget what I don't know, focus on the One who controls everything, and take a blind step. Would my world open up to amazing new life to explore?
Where could my feet take me if I simply forgot to focus on myself?
Yea for Amelie! Jack just started walking all over last week. He was taking a few steps here and there for the last month. I guess it all clicked one afternoon last week. Happy Birthday Amelie too! I know you've enjoyed every moment!
Maybe I'll get to see her walk this weekend sometime!
Angie you are such a gifted writing. I enjoy reading your blog!
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