05 April 2010

Believe in Hope

We celebrated the resurrection of Jesus yesterday and He is still alive today! The hope we sang about and proclaimed on Easter Sunday doesn't end when the day is over and that is the best source of joy I know of.

For one weekend, Asher changed his insistence on being called "Knight" to the new name of "Easter Bunny."
Yes, I'm serious.

He wore Easter Bunny ears with his Easter clothes to church yesterday, walked into his Sunday School class proclaiming to his teacher that he is the Easter Bunny and left those ears on throughout all of his class. As a parent I felt like I should hang a sign around his neck stating that he does know the real meaning of Easter. Nothing stopped him from morphing into the fluffy bunny who delivers eggs and candy.

It seems just as easy for Asher to believe in the Easter Bunny as in the rabbits he sees hopping around our backyard. Kids have no trouble believing in crazy things like a bunny who delivers chocolate rabbits surrounded by plastic grass or in someone rising from the dead. For them, there is always hope that the impossible is reality.

The great news about Easter is that for once, the impossible really did happen. Jesus really did rise from the dead and He really does still live, promising us ultimate hope of eternal life if we put trust in Him.

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