13 April 2010

Different kind of challenge

I visited a new mom friend yesterday. She' s not a new friend, just a new mom.

I think my kids scared her.

They didn't break or spill anything, but Asher made his usual pokes at Amelie and climbed on the furniture. Amelie eyed my friend's cookbooks stored at her level and got hit in the face by a flying breastplate. (Yes, we traveled as knights yesterday.)

My dear friend who I used to meet for lunch once a week in my previous corporate life watched our craziness while her sweet baby slept through it all. She talked about the challenges of sleeplessness and nursing and revealed how the idea of packing him up to head out into the world loomed as a mountain to climb for another day.

It was her first day home alone with the baby and my wise friend shared her secret thought that it would be easier to go to work then stay home with the baby.

She's not alone with that thought. There have many many Monday mornings when I ask Walter if I can go to his meetings to talk about rate making and he can stay home with the Knight and the Princess. I'm certainly not saying heading out and working long hours in an office or classroom or any setting is easy. It's just a completely different kind of challenge.

I remember stressful days of meeting deadlines that seemed impossible or dealing with customers that I wanted to throw my coffee at. But some days that different kind of challenge would be, well ...fun. (Somebody stop me before I get too excited about dressing up in a suit and sipping coffee while chatting with my coworkers.)

Today will be a different kind of challenge. I will manage dressing little bodies - one squirmy the other picky about his clothing choices. Then I'll provide three different breakfasts to demanding patrons who won't leave any kind of tip besides an abandoned stuffed turtle or bananas on the floor. And then we'll be off for a day where anything can happen.

It's a different kind of challenge, but don't worry Melissa, as you shift from actuary to mothering skills you'll realize your rewards are now better!

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