22 April 2010

His Delight

Thinking of a fantastic name ranks near the top of every pregnant mom's to do list. After years of dreamy discussions with girl friends during the early morning hours of slumber parties, when the time to make a choice approaches selecting the perfect name can become an obsession.

There's so much to consider.

Names stick from those first moments of life when we sweetly coo the name into the babies ear until that same name is called from the platform of some graduation stage and then through their career - whatever that may be - into an age when they too will rarely hear that name because the people closest to them refer to them as "Honey" or "Mommy."

No pressure!

It took us (well actually it took Walter) several months during my first pregnancy to get serious about choosing a name. But in the end we felt sentimental attachment to the names we had chosen for our children and I would be sad to think of them being called by another name.

I'm sure my parents went through a similar process when they picked out Angela. Because no one ever calls me by my full name, I often imagine a different me when I'm referred to by that name.

Angela always dresses up and looks sophisticated. Angie wears jeans and a t-shirt.

Angela sits at a desk managing corporate issues. Angie manages naptimes and what's for dinner.

Angela's life is always put together. Angie hopes putting pillows back on the couch will cover over life's chaos.

Both Angela and Angie fit me and on most days I like the person she is.

So when I was reminded of God's plan to give me a new name, my intrigue went up and I wondered what I would rather be called.

The book of Isaiah tells that, "(I) will get a brand new name straight from the mouth of God. (I) will be a stunning crown in the palm of God's hand, a jeweled gold cup held high in the hand of my God. No more will anyone call me Rejected , and my country will no more be called Ruined. (I) will be called Hephizibah (My Delight), and (my) land Beulah (Married)." (62:2-4)

It's hard to imagine being called any one's delight - let alone the God of the Universe's. But believers, as part of Christ's church, are indeed the recipients of His complete attention and love. Unique in the person He has made me to be I keep being reminded that He longs for me to live in that assurance even now.

I'm feeling challenged today to know He delights in me and has a new name for me that supersedes all the negative labels I constantly place on myself.

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