29 June 2010

Different but here

Hopefully my new neighbors thought the chuckling they heard out their window this morning was just another one of these very early rising and chirpy birds we have in this part of town!

I read this verse in Hosea and contained my huge shout of joy to a simple sigh of relief. This is what I read.

"And so, I am not going to act on my anger...And why? Because I am God and not a human. I'm The Holy One and I'm here - in your very midst." (Hosea 11)

I never doubted that my faith rested in someone much bigger than myself but I love that God clearly spelled out his different-ness from us. With all of humanity's imperfections and flaws what hope would there be in trusting in someone - even a perfect version - so similar to me.

He doesn't act on these human impulses I constantly fight, like the desire to criticize or give in to anger. He is more than a buddy-buddy friend, He is different and big enough to make a difference.

And the other best news is that last part, He is here, in my midst. My heart has been breaking every night when Asher begs me to stay in his room with him because he is "lonely." He has never had a problem before with falling asleep on his own, and I am all about laying with him every now and then while he falls asleep, but truthfully if I did lay down for more than 5 minutes, I would be the one snoozing away by 8:30 every night.

And so I remind Asher that God is always with him, available and listening to whatever he wants to say to Him.

He is the friend who is always here, but He is the God who is far above human flaws.

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